How do I set/change Notifications?

Setting/Changing your Email Notifications

Notifications settings are found on your Account Page, on the Email Notifications configuration card.

  • Navigate to your account page:
    • Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, OR 
    • Click on the My Dashboard tab, then click on the Open My Settings card
  • Find at the Email Notifications configuration card (on the right side of the screen)

The Email Notifications card will have a checkbox to “Disable notifications for all projects”. Checking this box will turn off all project specific notifications for all documents and project actions. 

The Email Notifications card also individually lists each project you have access to. Each project will have a checkbox to disable notifications for that specific project.

*We do not recommend that users disable alerts for all projects. Selecting this option means you will never receive any email alerts for any project in ConDoc.

Set Notifications by Project & Document Type

At the document level, emails can be enabled or disabled by document type for each project.

  • Select the project using the Project Selector 
  • Click on the Documents tab
  • Click on the document type you want to change the notifications for
  • Click the Notifications button on the right, above the document list
  • The popup will have three checkboxes:
    • Disable notifications for ‘document type selected’
    • Disable the notifications for the current project
    • Disable all notifications
  • After checking the appropriate boxes, click the Save button to save your settings

Note: Not all notifications can be turned off. ConDoc system notifications can not be disabled.

This process may be repeated for additional projects and document types as needed.

Updated on April 24, 2024
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