How do I add a Company/Personal Stamp to ConDoc?

Company Stamp

You must have Company Admin permissions to add or remove company stamps.

  • Navigate to the Company Admin page. 
  • In the Management box, click on the Manage Comapny Stamps button
  • Click on the Add New button
  • Enter a name for the stamp in the Stamp Name field. Use a descriptive name; e.g. “Approved, ‘your company name'” or “Disapproved, ‘your company name'”
  • Check the “Include a Timestamp” check box if you would like the stamp to include the date/time it is added to a document
  • Select the image you want to use as your company stamp. (The image must be a *.png file. Other file types are not supported at this time.)
  • Click the Save button

When a stamp is added as a Company Stamp, everyone in the company will be able to use it.

Personal Stamp

  • Navigate to your account page
  • Click on the Manage Personal Stamps button
  • Click on the Add New buttton
  • Enter a name for the stamp in the Stamp Name field. Use a descriptive name; e.g. “John’s Approval stamp” or “Mary’s Disapproval stamp”
  • Check the “Include a Timestamp” check box if you would like the stamp to include the date/time it is added to a document
  • Select the image you want to use as your company stamp. (The image must be a *.png file. Other file types are not supported at this time.)
  • Click the Save button

When you add a Personal Stamp, you are the only person who will have access to it.

Now that the stamps have been added, whenever you go to the PDF view of a document, you will be able to select any of your company’s stamps or any of your personal stamps to add to the document.

Updated on September 7, 2021
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